Down bad with the sunday scaries? Me too – welcome! I’m so glad you’re here with me.
Well, well, well, if it isn’t the most stressful time of the year here to wreck havoc once more. It feels as though everyone in my life is running full steam in their own little hamster wheel, struggling to stay upright and also screaming very loudly about how much they want to sit down. I feel the same. Deep breaths. Let’s talk about it for a second.
Hīkoi mō te Tiriti
Despite our steady descent into end of year madness, my main focus this week has been the Hīkoi for Te Tiriti o Waitangi and against the Treaty Principles Bill. I joined in for part of the Hīkoi through the city to parliament but wasn’t able to see or hear anything that was happening up there (because there were so many thousands of people!!!).
It was an incredible protest to be part of and the sheer size of it is still slightly incomprehensible to me. I was so glad that so many people showed up and that so many others would have if they had been able!!! We are truly not alone in our dismay and our resistance. We are plentiful. There is a loud chorus of voices chanting together and they cannot continue to ignore us when we are this loud. This is just the beginning.
On a personal note, it was incredibly empowering to spend so much time at the protest alone (of course I was surrounded by literally tens of thousands of people but I was not with anyone I knew for a while). It offered me this small moment to reflect and acknowledge my immense growth. Being alone in public has always been hard for me but a protest or large event is top of the scary list. But I did it. Without question. My values were bigger than my fear. How cool.
Vulnerability factors
Now is a great time to do a little check in with yourself. How well are you handing life’s daily challenges? Time to go back to the basics.
We are more susceptible to emotional distress when we are not taking care of ourselves properly. We can build resilience and better handle difficult feelings when we reduce our vulnerability factors.
Treat physical illness and discomfort: take medication as perscribed. Go to a doctor when needed. Rest when your body asks for it.
Balance eating: don't over or under eat. Stay away from foods that cause discomfort or intense emotions.
Avoid mood-altering substances: stay away from non-prescribed drugs and alcohol. Especially if you are taking psychiatric medications.
Balance sleep: be consistent with your sleep schedule (not too much or too little).
Get exercise: Try and move your body in some way every day.
Build mastery: do something every day that makes you feel competent and in control. What are you avoiding or procrastinating? How will you feel if you finally complete it? Start a new sport or creative challenge—something that you have to practise to notice improvement. Set tangible goals.
Acknowledge mastery: validate yourself and acknowledge the effort you put in. When you achieve a goal or get to a certain level, do something to celebrate. Let yourself feel proud. Congratulate yourself!
some small, future-focused, hīkoi-inspired words:
Take care of yourself this week as if you were caring for a pet. Food, water, rest, play. Time outside, time alone, time with others. It’s simple, really—which makes it impossible, of course—but try anyway. What does your body need? Listen. And it will tell you.